My name is Tyler Justin Murphy, and I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a deep sense of urgency. For the past twelve years, I have survived the unimaginable horrors of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK Ultra super soldier drone special access programs. The scars I bear, both physical and emotional, are a testament to the unfathomable acts perpetrated upon me and countless others.
I implore you, Madam/Sir, to launch a thorough investigation into the atrocities committed within these programs. My website,, meticulously documents the evidence and exposes the identities of the hundreds of fugitive war criminals who have thus far evaded justice. It is my sincerest hope that by shining a light on their actions, we can finally bring them to account for the irreparable damage they have caused.
Although I lack the authority to make arrests, I possess a unique talent for criminal analysis and an unwavering commitment to upholding our nation's civil, constitutional, and human rights. I stand before you today, not as a deputized individual, but as a survivor seeking truth and justice. I offer my unwavering support and cooperation to assist your team of investigators in any way possible. Together, we can uncover the dark secrets hidden within the MK Ultra programs and expose the full extent of their heinous crimes.
In addition to pursuing justice, I must also address the pressing matter of my own well-being. The physical and psychological toll inflicted upon me during my twelve-year tenure in MK Ultra is immeasurable. I bear the scars of enhanced interrogation torture, a constant reminder of the pain I endured in service to my country. I humbly request that you extend your support by bringing attention to my Go Fund Me campaign and other fundraising efforts. By doing so, you will provide me with the means to seek medical treatment for my injuries and begin the long and arduous process of healing.
To truly regain my footing in life, I believe it is crucial to have a stable income. As a drafted special forces member, serving my country within special access programs, I believe that a yearly income of $100,000 would be a fair recompense for the sacrifices I have made. With just $1,000,000, I could live a life of peace, far removed from the imminent dangers that still haunt my existence. This sum would not only allow me to heal but also provide the opportunity to start a family and establish a tech philanthropy charity aimed at addressing the pressing needs of the world's children.
It is essential to emphasize that despite the unimaginable suffering I have endured, I have never broken the sacred principles of the Ten Commandments. I have never laid a hand on another human being, nor have I harbored any thoughts of self-harm or harm towards others. My faith in civil due process remains unshaken, and I am ready and willing to assist you in any way within the bounds of the law.
I am immensely grateful for the time and consideration you have given to this matter. I understand the gravity of the requests I have made and the impact they could have on my life and the lives of others. I implore you to act swiftly, for justice delayed is justice denied. Together, let us unveil the truth, heal the wounds, and forge a brighter future for all.
With profound hope and unwavering determination,
Tyler Justin Murphy
Some Very Important Information and Evidence You Need:
Inputs for Psychosocial Dynamics Conducive to Torture and ill-treatment Report
This statement is with respect to the inputs requested for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and ill-treatment report (To inform the Special Rapporteur’s annual interim report to be presented to the General Assembly at its 78th Session in September 2023)
This is an URGENT public interest petition to STOP the illegal and unauthorized abuses of advanced military-grade weapons that are being used for Torture Programs. Torture comprises of Mind-Reading, Mind control, Central Nervous System control, 24/7 anywhere tracking, Organized Gang-Stalking, 'Voices-To-Skull'('V2K'), Physical Injury/harassment through Directed Energy Weapons. This has been going on in the United States for the past 10 years. I have been and am getting attacked/tortured for many years now, voice to skull started in 2016.
All these attacks are 'no-touch' / ‘Covert ‘and are remotely operated - and so leave the minimum evidence (if at all) thus making all available laws ineffective and powerless to help the targeted innocent civilians. The people targeted and subsequently tortured systematically are termed as 'Targeted Individuals' (or 'TI'). There are several hundreds of ‘TIs’ defending and fighting for justice in the United States and globally across many countries now.
1. TOTAL SURVEILLANCE, MIND-READING, BODY-MIND CONTROL, DREAM MANIPULATION - USING NEUROWEAPONS - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING MODULE ('RNM') - Using this, harassers can view ALL the innermost thoughts of the targeted person on a screen - as clearly as one reads a newspaper. The eyes of the target become a live camera for the trackers. Whatever the target's view is recorded on the trackers' computer or viewed by the trackers' brains using a brain-to-computer interface (BCI) / Brain-to-Brain interface (BBI)! These satellite-based technologies result in gross bypassing of fundamental human rights such as personal privacy, health, safety, data security, family security, etc. Pre-packaged dream sequences are routinely downloaded to TIs' brains and harassers interact with the victims while they are dreaming. Stressful traumas/shocks are also induced via artificial dreams (completely wirelessly - without any chip implants, electrodes etc.)
2. INVISIBLE PHYSICAL HARASSMENT: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ('DEW'): Any of our body parts can be targeted and attacked by these directed energy weapons. These weapons may use Microwave/EMF/ELF waves and can cause a wide range of diseases including cancer, heart failure, kidney disease, vertigo, hands/legs paralysis, internal decay, memory losses to name a few - all at the touch of a button from anywhere, traceless - just by using the unique 'brain fingerprint' (brain frequency) of any victim anywhere. Also, many fatal heart-attacks/palpitations that struck the victim when asleep may have been induced / catalyzed by these weapons
3. DISRUPTION OF THOUGHT FREEDOM BY 'VOICE-TO-SKULL' ('V2K'): This patented technology is also known as 'Microwave Hearing' / 'Synthetic Telepathy' / 'Voice-of-God weapon' and is being used for traceless mental harassment. Using this, the harassers beam-in abusive voices directly into skulls of the Targeted Individuals by-passing their ears. Harassers interrupt and censor the victims' normal thinking when traveling anywhere in society by beaming in abusive voices into the victim's head constantly - hence spoiling work-tasks completion. (Victims also get wrongly labeled as mentally-ill when reporting about this, not many are aware about novel neuro/electromagnetic/bio weapons and its capabilities) V2K is also used for Deception (causing confusion by beaming voices inside skull in-between talks when TI is talking to other people) and Impersonation of voices of close persons (whenever close persons are talking to TIs, these perpetrators intertwine their own voices along with the close persons voices by a technology named 'EEG Heterodyning')
4. TOTAL LOSS OF PRIVACY: Surveillance is usually carried out first unannounced secretly for years - without the targets ever being able to detect that their innermost details had been collected and stored - and that their own eyes themselves are made to act as cameras giving the latest details about themselves and the places and persons they visit. These devices are suspected to be authorized to access government satellites and are linked to supercomputers for data analysis and harvesting purposes. Victims have no privacy anywhere on the planet (bathrooms and bedrooms included).
5. HARMFUL EFFECTS: The targeted people's physical health, hygiene, peace of mind, career and social credibility, family, friends and other relationships - all these get seriously downgraded and systematically made to fade out via the above torture program. A primary goal in these 'slow-kill', 'no-touch'/'soft-kill' programs is to remove TIs from the job workforce - so that they are in range at home for longer times to facilitate more testing, refining of weapons and for training more operators and neural programmers. The combined impact of all these together - physical wounds, 24x7 psychotronic warfare, career systemically made to vanish IS DEVASTATING to TIs, to say the least.
6. WORLDWIDE ISSUE: Dr. John Hall, M.D. (Doctor and Author, USA) who has analyzed the above phenomenon personally - calls this as 'Satellite Terrorism' and the greatest threat to humanity as a whole in the near future. Finally, there are hundreds of victims in the United States currently and many hundreds across the world as well (myself included - I am still facing ALL THE ABOVE no-touch torture) - as long as the public are unaware of the above secret surveillance on mass scale by these secretive operators, more innocent civilians could be targeted in future as well. All these NO-TOUCH torture with Directed energy weapons and Voice-To-Skull are remotely-controlled. Thus, this full protocol (Organized Stalking & Electronic Harassment - 'OSEH' in short) leaves the least physical evidence of any wrong-doings and has become strongly prevalent inside many nations. This leaves us with the very rudimentary question of a dignified human life. What is worse in this world than your body, brain and mind getting hacked and harassed covertly and illegally?
I humbly request UNHRC to take due cognizance of the above issue and include all non-consensual experimentation/covert torture programs of these remote monitoring/influencing systems and weaponized technologies as severely punishable human rights violations and a life threatening CyberCrime, which needs urgent investigation, legislation and MOST IMPORTANTLY due justice given for Targeted Individuals who are severely affected by this NO-TOUCH torture perpetrated by covert criminals. Also request world countries through UNHRC, to safeguard our dignity to human life by immediately stopping this crime and provide monetary compensation for the loss of a productive life due to this torture.
PLEASE REFER the below sources for Proof of existence of such weapons:
When neuroscience leads to neuroweapons
US army developing synthetic telepathy
Spooky mind reading technology
From Psyops to Neurowar: What Are the Dangers?
Weapons of perception: neuroscience and mind-controlled weapons
The United States government uses advanced technology to torture their civilians. The government uses cloaking stealth technology allowing them to surround you and vandalize your home. They also use voice to skull technology allowing them to put any threatening words into your brain without being detected by modern sound recording technology. They also view, record, and call out what you are visualizing in your brain. They record and analyze your dreams. They have complete impunity to publicly continually rape disabled and LGBTQI+ communities.
The United States also has the means to listen to what you hear in your head, perhaps some form of brain nanite or some way of exciting the microtubules in the auditory cortex of the victim. I'm not sure how they do this as it's very advanced. The United States government records and transcribed the inner auditory and inner visual worlds of their victims. They can even call out what your attention is on or what you are thinking about without auditory or visual information. The auditory is transcribed and recorded. These are called the "psy sonic tapes" and need to be subpoenaed by international investigative authorities. All criminals have American English accents and some are criminal government time travelers from the future. The CIA, FBI, and the President of the United States have access to and are aware of these taped transcribed recordings.
Criminals on the psy sonic tapes need to be identified and prosecuted as war criminals under full international law, effort, and public attention. I represent those who could not survive and must speak for them now.
In December of 2020, President Joe Biden was asked by a male US media reporter after a press briefing "Mr. President? Did you hear what Tyler Murphy heard in his head today?" The President replied "Tyler knows we need a good President".
In March of 2022 I heard psychic intelligence of verbatim "Washington gives us the okay to kill him.", also "You have a death warrant", also "The senate wants you in hell." I also heard "They called it operation (something), the CIA sent out a memo that he's the antichrist".
This is a Christian nation, and the United States public believes this terrible accusation and I have been tortured because of it. I do not want to continue to be persecuted for my strength in the United States and involved with a holy text of a low IQ American rural population. I am eclectic in religion and have my own special connection to Jesus Christ and Lao Tzu and many other beings and teachers of the Light and my children will recite and understand their divine wisdom. I will wait for the written word from Jesus Christ himself from his successful asset recovery and Lao Tzu from his successful asset recovery to continue his spiritual text.
The United States public are provided social and financial rewards by the US government through the use of social networks on Americas electronic contact lenses. I believe the company Meta and Mark Zuckerberg are involved with these criminal operations as no other social media company exists that addicts that many individuals through addiction psychology. The United States government pays themselves and American citizens to commit felony and war crime violations against me.
I've been tortured under three United States Presidents starting with President Obama. President Donald J. Trump authorized the failed extrajudicial murder attempt on my life in 2017 and CIA director Mike Pompeo orchestrated it. President Biden also has done nothing about this war crime and has issued a death warrant for the CIA to slowly kill me off.
The FBI have known the names of my clones of my body genome and multiversal "other Tylers" as they are called since 2018 when I overheard an angry clone outcome my apartment saying "Now the FBI have all our names". These clones and other Tyler's need to be on trial and this information subpoenaed. They are deep state terrorists who operate post death USA government torture operations, kidnapping victims souls into life extensions "up there" is what they say.
To the accuser in the Holy Bible:
Please subpoena the needed evidence for investigation including the psy sonic logs and all USA government 24/7 recordings of themselves around me audioboarding me all day and night.
The CIA have programmed me into a psychic weapons to target under 18 romantic minority LGBTQI+ individuals upon my expiration and soul switch to a life extension in an America deep state hell. This has been another selling point to Americans and Republicans to gain their support in my martyr detainee murder without trial billion dollar business the government has set up and compensation tens of millions of people through the Americas satanic electronic contact screens social network of impoverished filth and the mentally ill rich that control them. I have heard middle aged republican men shout at me in 2017 at a hotel "Cuz when he dies he'll kill all the child molesters!". Also, another middle aged republican male in the apartments across from the First Baptist Church in West Plains when I was waiting with my luggage to move out of another CIA run abusive healthcare facility as to why I was sitting there broke without a home or vehicle because I have been financially humiliated, owed billions in the courts from being a daily war crimes survivor, "Cuz when you die, you'll kill all the child molesters!". Also, on the CNN televised January 6th riot, one of the rioters was indicated I was watching over his electronic contact lenses and shouted out "We kill child molesters! We're good people! We hate Orions!". For years the time travelers have told me I kill anywhere from 500,000 to over 1 million individuals from CIA psychic MK Theta/Delta programming. I urge all families with loved ones killed during my switch to sue the CIA for first degree murder. Each family needs to civilly sue the CIA and FBI for 9 figure settlements or a class action lawsuit of over 1 trillion dollars to end the evil of MK Ultra and the evils of CIA forever from The United States of America. Drown them with lawsuits and bankrupt them. Go after their money. Protest outside Langley headquarters demanding the government tell them where the souls of their lost ones are who had criminal records. USA keeps a deep state in space kangaroo court and sentence you to purgatory, rape, prostitution, and hell. The USA government raises people from the dead and puts them into deep state torture hell sites. We must disable the six and seven figure incomes of these government terrorist satanists. I urge everyone reading this to never believe a word out of a CIA or FBI’s mouth as they are devils angels, the accusers demons promised eternal life in life extensions by the rothschilds that control the United States and global scam debt money system that will collapse mathematically this century along with a collapse of hydrocarbons as designed and engineered.
Lawsuits that need to be filed in my name and where to invest all civil awards:
All civil awards will be donated to the Unico Non-governmental Organization to fund a global team of scientists and engineers to complete the organizations goals including development of tech philanthropy including PLUTUS robot and several other inventions for the benefit of eternal humanity. These are life critical technologies and there is no time to waste.
I humbly request a third party team represent me after my death in the name of human rights, to get proper justice for being a victim of war crimes, and to further my philanthropic missions globally. This team can consist of professional human rights and war crimes attorney's. Civil compensation is deserved from each of the following entities to be sued for the corresponding civil award amount.
I request that the Central Intelligence Agency be sued for $10,000,000,000.
I request that the Federal Bureau of Investigations be sued for $10,000,000,000.
I request that Mercy Hospitals be sued for $5,000,000,000.
I request that Ozarks Healthcare be sued for $5,000,000,000.
I request that Baxter Regional Hospitals be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that Lake Charles Memorial Hospital be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that Cable News Network be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that NBC be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that PBS be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that NPR be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that Fox News be sued for $500,000,000.
I request that Ozarks Radio Network be sued for $100,000,000.
I request that Springfield Police Department be sued for $100,000,000.
I request that Haney's Firestone Services be sued for $100,000,000.
I request that West Plains Police Department be sued for $100,000,000.
I request that Springfield, Missouri Police Department be sued for $100,000,000.
I request that Greene County Sheriff's Department be sued for $100,000,000.
I request that Michelle Obama be sued for $10,000,000.
I request that Cox North Hospitals be sued for $1,000,000,000.
I request that every facility that I lived in be sued for $100,000,000.
I do request that the United States of America be indefinitely removed from the United Nations Human Rights Council for gross human rights violations and war crimes until a thorough investigation has been made and global human rights standards are achieved and monitored by international authorities.
Every United States government agent and every United States civilian that has used invisibility around me for 13 years deserves to be prosecuted and classified as registered sex offenders for the years of in-home nude filming, psychosexual torture, mental rape, national sexual humiliation, and threats of rape and sex change operations. They are declared criminally insane as they do not know the difference between right and wrong and they harm others.
Thank you and may God bless you all,
I demand that all international criminal investigators and law enforcement arrest, and prosecute EVERY Tyler Murphy clone, and Tyler Murphy spatial clone of same soul, and every Tyler Murphy who has been asset recovered by the government in new genomes with all, some, or no memory. They are fugitive war criminals.
Also to investigators:
The United States government has several tapes of myself being tortured several ways and several times in the future in life extensions. Subpoena these tapes as evidence.
The United States government has all the 24/7 recorded tapes of torture from invisibility and electronic contact lens social network of the torture of myself for the past 10 years, the fugitive war criminal suspects that tortured me in my own home, all hospital fugitive war criminals, all facilities abuse, and public abuse, and all of the terrorist behavior of the image of my family members. It's common sense to know this and common sense to know that I don't lie about it. I write sci-fi, not horror. You don't get into my level of trouble with satanic cabal criminals unless you are telling the truth about war crimes and want to change the world for the better. Subpoena these tapes as evidence.
I have been filmed on camera continuously 24 hours a day, never out of site, by the war criminals in the United States government who record everything with their electronic contact lenses as well as record video and audio through a nano camera I was told I had in my left primary eye. I have a nano camera in my left primary eye that the government records everything through and can sync their lenses to it. Subpoena these tapes as evidence.
Dear media professional and International Criminal Courts,
My name is Tyler Murphy and today, 4/15/2023, I have currently received intelligence that President Joe Biden has authorized a “kill order” also called a “death warrant” for me to be killed and kidnapped and brutally tortured in a life extension by the FBI, CIA, and military.
President Joe Biden needs to be declared and charged as a war criminal by the International Criminal Courts like President Putin currently is. The International Criminal Courts needs to issue an arrest warrant for Donald J. Trump and President Joe Biden. The FBI, CIA, US military, are all committing 1st degree homicide using electronic contact lenses over a live streamed social network.
I am currently assaulted daily with over 400,000 terrorist words and direct threats and worked like a detainee by over 500 government agents using invisibility in my home and the USA armies voice to skull technology along with electronic contact lenses. Here is an article about it from Wired magazine to educate you:
The international courts needs to require the United States government or another entity to provide me a safe life extension after my death to prove to the global community that I wasn't tortured by the United States government in a life extension after their broadcasted threats over the years highlighted on this website.
What will be the international response towards the United States if I don't return and tell you I'm safe? The United States does and can damn any innocent civilian to deep state eternal hells. This should be grounds for immediate removal of the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council until international authorities do a proper investigation and require change and accountability from the United States to regain their position on the council.
Why The United States Remains as Lawless War Criminals
International Criminal Courts Submission Response
International Criminal Courts Decline Letter
Here is a CIA/FBI delivered poisoned order of a food product I eat that. I never ordered this package. They know I am poor and out of my food in my home and thought I might get desperate and trust this objectively criminal package. They know they need to get to my medication because it helps my body and mind heal so they contaminated a false shipment. I kept one of the jugs for future independent
MK Alpha label making suggestions to masturbating. I've never in my entire life had any label like this on this brand of product when I have ordered it. Republicans get jealous that they can't afford basic health food for their unintended pregnancy vagina monsters. And they are all also penis jealously psychopaths.
Here is a sample of what was supposed to be a risperidone I kept from Howell County jail for independent chemical analysis. The government made repeated claims of putting several harmful chemical compounds in the medicine, food, and water supplies of the jail. I have this pill sample on me for chemical analysis.
A sample of some food items I collected from Howell County jail that I have on me for independent chemical testing by a third party. This is the "chum" as they like to call it to me. They said they put nano chemicals in the sodas. The sardines tasted funny. An invisible CIA scumbag said "I'm gonna put somethin' in his meat to give him brain cancer." I have 2 samples of that meat shown here in the
Tyler's Truth
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